Ecology technical guide

Author: OSS, Azziz HIRCHE

Published in: 2015


Theme: Environmental monitoring and biodiversity

Type: Studies and reports

ISBN: 978-9973-856-9-3


Ecology technical guide for data collection and analysis and ecological indicators calculation following the aligned ROSELT/NEMS/OSS approach

Implementing the Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), in particular the UNFCCC, the UNCBD and the UNCCD, and having them translated at the country level, into National Environmental Action Programs, is based on the establishment of National Environmental Monitoring Systems (NEMSs), which must ensure the collection, processing and circulation of information within environmental observatories.

Furthermore, the Conventions call for the needs of local populations and sensitive groups (women, young people), to be taken into account and for the participation of civil society at all stages of the decision-making process. This “bottom-up” approach must therefore be supported by capacity building actions for all stakeholders involved in Environmental Monitoring (EM), and the implementation of sustainable development approaches and processes.

It is therefore crucial that stakeholders having the responsibility of environmental monitoring, possess the required capacities and skills to execute and master the methods and techniques necessary for observation, monitoring, collection and processing of ecological, socio-economic and climate data and information, in order to develop indicators and dashboards of environmental changes.